Community Engagement
As a condition of its receipt of grant funding, the Sir John Maxwell School Trust is required to submit to the Glasgow City Heritage Trust (GCHT) a programme for community engagement to try to gain for the school status as a listed building.
Given Covid-19, the preparation for and scheduling of such a programme has been. to say the least, problematic.
Under more normal circumstances such a programme would include information as to where and when ‘live’ community events would be held, and how the outcomes and subsequent actions would be recorded in a publicly accessible way.
Given the restrictions of the Covid-19 lockdown, the Trust is embarking on an alternative on-line consultation process.
To support this process the following documents are provided as a means of initiating community discussion:
(1) Listing a historic building
(2) The Buildings at Risk Register
(3) Condition Survey 2020
It is intended as a first step to seek feedback on these papers by contacting those supporters who have previously signed our on-line support petition. However, don't wait for us. If you suport our ambitions to save the school, we'd love to hear from you - whether you or not you signed the petition!
We hope we can again count on your participation.